Phone Snippet

We promise a maximum 24 hour response time. We always provide same day service when possible.

Our standard rate is $125.00 per hour.  Minimum charge is $62.50.  If we determine that we will be unable to repair solve the problem, there is no charge, and we will happily refer you to someone who can.

We prefer to come to your office and perform the necessary repairs, on site, in your working environment, however we will gladly accept your small equipment in the shop. Please give us a call and let us know you are on the way. Our in-shop small machine labor charge is $70.00.

Our shop is located at 9237 Archibald Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Currently we do not offer on-line orders. Visit our Inventory page to see what products we have in stock and then give us a call to order.

Yes, we accept checks, cash and credit cards and PayPal, for payment of services.

We make service appointments to the following cities:
– Rancho Cucamonga
– Upland
– Fontana
– Rialto
– San Bernardino
– Ontario
– Riverside
– Redlands
– Montclair
– Pomona
– San Dimas
– Claremont

Crystal Clear Images – Offering Service in the Inland Empire.

Need service on your fax machine, printer, or copier? You've found us. Crystal Clear Images offers Small business service with big business solutions.

Need Toner? We want to be “your toner guy”!

Crystal Clear Images keeps offices all over the Inland Empire stocked with all the supplies they need. No more running around from store to store looking for the specific products you need. We'll keep track of your equipment, and ship you the correct inventory whenever you need it.
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